my name is Cameron Teone.
I've been a mediocre person in all aspects of my life. Career, health, social skills, business. Girls repudiated me. That's why I decided to join the pickup community just so I could be mediocre at it too.
Now I hate the seduction community and don't want to have anything to do with it, yet I still sell my mediocre products.
My blog is an extension of my intense mediocrity because I can't seem to decide if I want it to be a pickup/seduction blog, or a psychology one?
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Again, I'm Cameron Teone and I am one of the most mediocre men in the seduction community. The only reason I still have money is because Barry and Sinn plug my shit on their sites/podcasts.
I am doomed to mediocrity and I will never accomplish something in my life.
The thing that always bugged me about Cameroon is that it was more important that he call attention to his mourning of Dreamweaver, and get everyone to feel sorry for
. He actually competed for that attention with Thundercat. The whole thing seemed phony, including coming on the other forum and admonishing people for joking around about it. More attention whoring.
He also implies that he is some sort of tough guy which is a gay thing to do over the internets.
Just another so-called PUA who lives a phony life
Which means that he is probably so uncomfortable with himself that he has to find flaws in everyone else and analyze them.
Or it might just mean that he is a faggot.
Either way, I don't really care. All I know is that he is doing a half-assed job at everything in his life. lol
The only reason the Dreamweaver thread was taken down on the old forum was because Cameron whined about it to Barry and asked him to remove it.......
Cameron shouldn't have asked Barry to take anything down.............a friend doesn't ask his friend to take something down that goes against the point of his business website............Cameron had no ownership stake in R31 or the R31 website..........so he was out of line to ask Barry to take down anything...........the R31 website is business...........it's not a personal blog about someone's inner child feelings (or whatever people blog about)...........unless someone is the owner of the website or business............they need to get over whatever bothers them about somebody else's business website..........because when they ask you as a business owner to take down something on your businesses's website that offends them.........what they are really communicating is that they don't give a shit about how it hurts your business..........as long as it appeases them personally............and they try to use the friendship as leverage to get appeased.............
Fuck Cameron Teone............selfish bitch.........
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Comedy is about honesty, and sometimes saying things that are uncomfortable to make people laugh.
Being a PUA is about phony DHVs and attention whoring.
Kinda explains why people choose certain careers....
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True. Excellent. Agreed.
How long has it been now since Dreamweaver died? Six months? I wonder how decomposed his body is.